![]() By: Mallory Lundien #1 Classroom Screen This website is free to use and has SO MANY amazing tools. I used this website for virtual, hybrid, and in person instruction! Features include timers, random name generator, noise volume images and tracker, clock, drawing, text boxes, dice, and more! #2 Bouncy Balls I love to use this website during small group time so that students can self monitor the sound level in the classroom. When you first introduce the website, allow the students to get silly with it. Challenge them to get loud and challenge them to see how still they can get the balls to be. This will help to keep your class clown from wanting to test it out in the future. #3 GoGuardian If your school has this installed into students' devices, USE IT! You can easily see every students’ screen and monitor their activity. Love being able to have eyes on every student and every screen at the same time! #4 ClassDojo Many schools use ClassDojo for behavior management because it is a quick and easy way to give students positive or negative points, while sharing information with their families and even has messaging for teacher/parent contact. #5 Nearpod Honestly, this website was a saving grace for me during virtual learning. Students join from their own device and their participation in the lesson is even calculated for you, you can include open ended questions, multiple choice, and even drawing responses. The grading was automated which saved me so much time, and my favorite feature was that the lessons could be teacher led or self paced! Perfect when you have an absent student who needs to make up an activity, or you want to quickly create individual work for your class. Leave a comment and let us know what tech tools help you! … and remember that you are treasured and loved by the AtoZ fam ❤️️
5/2/2022 1 Comment Celebrating May HolidaysBelow are resources and activities you can incorporate into the classroom for the Holidays that last all month long!Month Long Holidays
Teen Self-Esteem Month: This holiday is sponsored by “I Am Worth More,” a non profit that works to connect teens with resources and support. This holiday is centered around the importance of helping teens voice their needs, share their perspective, and work towards building a healthy life. To celebrate in your school:
National Inventors Month: This holiday was created to promote the contributions that inventors have given to our society. Inventors create, build, and fuel the innovations in our world. Lots more information can be found at Invent.org, which includes the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Some activities you could do with your class in celebration of Inventors month include:
Asian American & Pacific Islander Month: This holiday pays tribute to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history, and are fundamental in its future success, going back generations. To learn more click here. Celebrating this holiday will help to build inclusiveness in your classroom. Activities you can do in the classroom include:
Haitian Heritage Month: Throughout the month of May, we celebrate the culture, art, fod, and traditions of Haiti and its people. Haitian Heritage Museum has events, programming, and lectures to learn more! To celebrate in the classroom try:
Jewish American Heritage Month: The National Archives has “put the power of primary sources to work in the classroom” with ready to go lessons, activities, and so much more! We honor the huge role that Jewish communities played in America’s formation, a history of over 350 years of achievements by Albert Einstein, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and so many more! To honor Jewish American Heritage in your classroom consider:
National Pet Month: This month is celebrated to honor our pets and all the joy they bring to our lives. Here are some fabulous ways you can celebrate in your classroom:
National Foster Care Month: This month, we take time to acknowledge the families and professionals who help our precious youth find foster and adoptive homes. Use this month to actively educate your students on various family structures. Building understanding will foster an inclusive classroom of students that will advocate for each other. Here are some suggestions to bring awareness to your classroom:
Get Caught Reading Month: Sponsored by Every Child A Reader, has free, fun, and easy to use resources to bring the magic of reading into your classroom. To celebrate in your classroom:
Mental Health Awareness Month: In May, we bring awareness and understanding of those living with mental or behavioral health issues. We lower the stigma that many people experience when trying to get help, and we normalize continued best practices for our mental health in everyone. To incorporate into your classroom:
Latino Books Month: Led by Rhode Island Latino Books Award, during the month of May they work to promote literacy through the celebration of Latino authors, illustrators, and books. Highlight the Latino culture and Latin American Identity. Below are links to articles listing the best books to incorporate into your library!
Military Appreciation Month: Each May, the President gives an annual proclamation to Americans to remind us to honor those who have served and to give their thanks. There are several specific holidays within the month including Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, VE Day, and Loyalty Day. To celebrate Military Appreciation Month in your classroom consider some of the options below:
... and remember that you are treasured and loved by the AtoZ fam ❤️ 4/11/2022 0 Comments J is for journalWe all remember those bright, fuzzy journals we would ‘use’ way back when we thought we would journal our whole days. For some, they may have held fast to this practice, but for others it slipped through the cracks. But, journaling can be an influential tool in our everyday lives. Whether it’s moment for moment recollections, or just a quick line for the day- reflecting can help with setting goals, having a place to store memories, or just somewhere to pour all your thoughts and feelings. There are SO many different methods for journaling, and here are a few you can look into to try yourself!
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